- English Irregular Verbs Mp3 free. download full
- English Irregular Verbs Mp3 Free Download Mp3
- English Irregular Verbs Mp3 Free Download
- English Irregular Verbs Mp3 Free Download Music
- English Irregular Verbs Mp3 Free Download Free
Download Irregular Verb - A simple-to-configure program that comes bundled with limited features for helping you check out a list with English irregular verbs, copy data to the clipboard, and take. Irregular Verbs 1 of 21 UsingEnglish.com List of 616 English Irregular Verbs From UsingEnglish.com A comprehensive list of 616 English irregular verbs, including their base form, past simple, past participle and definitions. Click on Show Forms to see the 3rd person singular and the present participle instead of the definitions.
the concept of an irregular verb is most likely to be used in psycholinguistics, and in first-language acquisition studies, where the aim is to establish how the human brain processes its native language. One debate among 20th-century linguists revolved around the question of whether small children learn all verb forms as separate pieces of vocabulary or whether they deduce forms by the application of rules. Since a child can hear a regular verb for the first time and immediately reuse it correctly in a different tense which he or she has never heard, it is clear that the brain does work with rules, but irregular verbs must be processed differently. Historical linguists rarely use the category irregular verb. Since most irregularities can be explained historically, these verbs are only irregular when viewed synchronically, not when seen in their historical context. When languages are being compared informally, one of the few quantitative statistics which are sometimes cited is the number of irregular verbs. These counts are not particularly accurate for a wide variety of reasons, and academic linguists are reluctant to cite them. But it does seem that some languages have a greater tolerance for paradigm irregularity than others.
English Irregular Verbs Mp3 free. download full
Below you will find our complete list of printable irregular verbs worksheets. Lists are arranged in several different formats so that you can use the one that best suits your needs. Irregular verbs are difficult to understand, because they do not follow normal verb tense rules. Therefore, it is necessary to memorize them individually. It is also very helpful to understand the Simple, Participle, and Perfect aspects of the past, present, and future tense.Irregular Verbs Lists
List of Irregular Verbs Arranged in Alphabetical Order.
List of Irregular Verbs Arranged by Pronunciation Change.
List of Irregular Verbs with Endings that Never Change due to Tense. Verbs in this List Always Stay the Same No Matter What.
Irregular Verbs That Change Worksheets
English Irregular Verbs Mp3 Free Download Mp3
Irregular Verbs that Stay the Same Worksheets
English Irregular Verbs Mp3 Free Download
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Use the list below to learn all your irregular verbs!
Select the verb to read and listen to the verb forms.
English Irregular Verbs Mp3 Free Download Free
- be
- Base form:be/bi/
- Past simple:was, were/wəz, wɒz, wə(r), wɜː(r)/
- Past participle:been/bɪn, biːn/
- become
- Base form:become/bɪˈkʌm/
- Past simple:became/bɪˈkeɪm/
- Past participle:become/bɪˈkʌm/
- begin
- Base form:begin/bɪˈɡɪn/
- Past simple:began/bɪˈɡæn/
- Past participle:begun/bɪˈɡʌn/
- bet
- Base form:bet/bet/
- Past simple:bet/bet/
- Past participle:bet/bet/
- bite
- Base form:bite/baɪt/
- Past simple:bit/bɪt/
- Past participle:bitten/ˈbɪtn/
- bleed
- Base form:bleed/bliːd/
- Past simple:bled/bled/
- Past participle:bled/bled/
- blow
- Base form:blow/bləʊ/
- Past simple:blew/bluː/
- Past participle:blown/bləʊn/
- break
- Base form:break/breɪk/
- Past simple:broke/brəʊk/
- Past participle:broken /ˈbrəʊkən/
- bring
- Base form:bring/brɪŋ/
- Past simple:brought/brɔːt/
- Past participle:brought/brɔːt/
- build
- Base form:build/bɪld/
- Past simple:built/bɪlt/
- Past participle:built/bɪlt/
- burn
- Base form:burn/bɜːn/
- Past simple:burnt, burned/bɜːnt, bɜːnd/
- Past participle:burnt, burned/bɜːnt, bɜːnd/
- buy
- Base form:buy/baɪ/
- Past simple:bought/bɔːt/
- Past participle:bought/bɔːt/
- can
- Base form:can/kən, kæn/
- Past simple:could/kəd, kʊd/
- Past participle:been able to/biːn ˈeɪbl tə/
- catch
- Base form:catch/kætʃ/
- Past simple:caught/kɔːt/
- Past participle:caught/kɔːt/
- choose
- Base form:choose/tʃuːz/
- Past simple:chose/tʃəʊz/
- Past participle:chosen/ˈtʃəʊzn/
- come
- Base form:come/kʌm/
- Past simple:came/keɪm/
- Past participle:come/kʌm/
- cost
- Base form:cost/kɒst/
- Past simple:cost/kɒst/
- Past participle:cost/kɒst/
- cut
- Base form:cut/kʌt/
- Past simple:cut/kʌt/
- Past participle:cut/kʌt/
- deal
- Base form:deal/diːl/
- Past simple:dealt/delt/
- Past participle:dealt/delt/
- do
- Base formdo/də, du/
- Past simple:did/dɪd/
- Past participle:done/dʌn/
- draw
- Base form:draw/drɔː/
- Past simple:drew/druː/
- Past participle:drawn/drɔːn/
- dream
- Base form:dream/driːm/
- Past simple:dreamt, dreamed/dremt, driːmd/
- Past participle:dreamt, dreamed/dremt, driːmd/
- drink
- Base form:drink/drɪŋk/
- Past simple:drank/dræŋk
- Past participle:drunk/drʌŋk/
- drive
- Base form:drive/draɪv/
- Past simple:drove/drəʊv/
- Past participle:driven/ˈdrɪvn/
- eat
- Base form:eat/iːt/
- Past simple:ate/eɪt, et/
- Past participle:eaten/ˈiːtn/
- fall
- Base form:fall/fɔːl/
- Past simple:fell/fel/
- Past participle:fallen/ˈfɔːlən/
- feel
- Base form:feel/fiːl/
- Past simple:felt/felt/
- Past participle:felt/felt/
- fight
- Base form:fight/faɪt/
- Past simple:fought/fɔːt/
- Past participle:fought/fɔːt/
- find
- Base form:find/faɪnd/
- Past simple:found/faʊnd/
- Past participle:found/faʊnd/
- fly
- Base form:fly/flaɪ/
- Past simple:flew/fluː/
- Past participle:flown/fləʊn/
- forget
- Base form:forget/fəˈɡet/
- Past simple:forgot/fəˈɡɒt/
- Past participle:forgotten/fəˈɡɒtn/
- forgive
- Base form:forgive/fəˈɡɪv/
- Past simple:forgave/fəˈɡeɪv/
- Past participle:forgiven/fəˈɡɪvn/
- freeze
- Base form:freeze/friːz/
- Past simple:froze/frəʊz/
- Past participle:frozen/ˈfrəʊzn/
- get
- Base form:get/ɡet/
- Past simple:got/ɡɒt/
- Past participle:got (AmE: gotten)/ɡɒt, ˈɡɒtn/
- give
- Base form:give/ɡɪv/
- Past simple:gave/ɡeɪv/
- Past participle:given/ˈɡɪvn/
- go
- Base form:go/ɡəʊ/
- Past simple:went/went/
- Past participle:gone, been/ɡɒn, biːn/
- grow
- Base form:grow/ɡrəʊ/
- Past simple:grew/ɡruː/
- Past participle:grown/ɡrəʊn/
- hang
- Base form:hang/hæŋ/
- Past simple:hung/hʌŋ/
- Past participle:hung/hʌŋ/
- have
- Base form:have/həv, hæv/
- Past simple:had/hæd/
- Past participle:had/hæd/
- hear
- Base form:hear/hɪə(r)/
- Past simple:heard/hɜːd/
- Past participle:heard/hɜːd/
- hide
- Base form:hide/haɪd/
- Past simple:hid/hɪd/
- Past participle:hidden/ˈhɪdn/
- hit
- Base form:hit/hɪt/
- Past simple:hit/hɪt/
- Past participle:hit/hɪt/
- hold
- Base form:hold/həʊld/
- Past simple:held/held/
- Past participle:held/held/
- hurt
- Base form:hurt/hɜːt/
- Past simple:hurt/hɜːt/
- Past participle:hurt/hɜːt/
- keep
- Base form:keep/kiːp/
- Past simple:kept/kept/
- Past participle:kept/kept/
- know
- Base form:know/nəʊ/
- Past simple:knew/njuː/
- Past participle:known/nəʊn/
- lay
- Base form:lay/leɪ/
- Past simple:laid/leɪd/
- Past participle:laid/leɪd/
- lead
- Base form:lead/liːd/
- Past simple:led/led/
- Past participle:led/led/
- learn
- Base form:learn/lɜːn/
- Past simple:learnt, learned/lɜːnt, lɜːnd/
- Past participle:learnt, learned/lɜːnt, lɜːnd/
- leave
- Base form:leave/liːv/
- Past simple:left/left/
- Past participle:left/left/
- lend
- Base form:lend/lend/
- Past simple:lent/lent/
- Past participle:lent/lent/
- let
- Base form:let/let/
- Past simple:let/let/
- Past participle:let/let/
- light
- Base form:light/laɪt/
- Past simple:lit/lɪt/
- Past participle:lit/lɪt/
- lose
- Base form:lose/luːz/
- Past simple:lost/lɒst/
- Past participle:lost/lɒst/
- make
- Base form:make/meɪk/
- Past simple:made/meɪd/
- Past participle:made/meɪd/
- mean
- Base form:mean/miːn/
- Past simple:meant/ment/
- Past participle:meant/ment/
- meet
- Base form:meet/miːt/
- Past simple:met/met/
- Past participle:met/met/
- pay
- Base form:pay/peɪ/
- Past simple:paid/peɪd/
- Past participle:paid/peɪd/
- put
- Base form:put/pʊt/
- Past simple:put/pʊt/
- Past participle:put/pʊt/
- read
- Base form:read/riːd/
- Past simple:read/red/
- Past participle:read/red/
- ride
- Base form:ride/raɪd/
- Past simple:rode/rəʊd/
- Past participle:ridden/ˈrɪdn/
- ring
- Base form:ring/rɪŋ/
- Past simple:rang/ræŋ/
- Past participle:rung/rʌŋ/
- rise
- Base form:rise/raɪz/
- Past simple:rose/rəʊz/
- Past participle:risen/ˈrɪzn/
- run
- Base form:run/rʌn/
- Past simple:ran/ræn/
- Past participle:run/rʌn/
- say
- Base form:say/seɪ/
- Past simple:said/sed/
- Past participle:said/sed/
- see
- Base form:see/siː/
- Past simple:saw/sɔː/
- Past participle:seen/siːn/
- sell
- Base form:sell/sel/
- Past simple:sold/səʊld/
- Past participle:sold/səʊld/
- send
- Base form:send/send/
- Past simple:sent/sent/
- Past participle:sent/sent/
- set
- Base form:set/set/
- Past simple:set/set/
- Past participle:set/set/
- shake
- Base form:shake/ʃeɪk/
- Past simple:shook/ʃʊk/
- Past participle:shaken/ˈʃeɪkən/
- shine
- Base form:shine/ʃaɪn/
- Past simple:shone/ʃɒn/
- Past participle:shone/ʃɒn/
- shoot
- Base form:shoot/ʃuːt/
- Past simple:shot/ʃɒt/
- Past participle:shot/ʃɒt/
- show
- Base form:show/ʃəʊ/
- Past simple:showed/ʃəʊd/
- Past participle:shown/ʃəʊn/
- shut
- Base form:shut/ʃʌt/
- Past simple:shut/ʃʌt/
- Past participle:shut/ʃʌt/
- sing
- Base form:sing/sɪŋ/
- Past simple:sang/sæŋ/
- Past participle:sung/sʌŋ/
- sink
- Base form:sink/sɪŋk/
- Past simple:sank/sæŋk/
- Past participle:sunk/sʌŋk/
- sit
- Base form:sit/sɪt/
- Past simple:sat/sæt/
- Past participle:sat/sæt/
- sleep
- Base form:sleep/sliːp/
- Past simple:slept/slept/
- Past participle:slept/slept/
- smell
- Base form:smell/smel/
- Past simple:smelt, smelled/smelt, smeld/
- Past participle:smelt, smelled/smelt, smeld/
- speak
- Base form:speak/spiːk/
- Past simple:spoke/spəʊk/
- Past participle:spoken/ˈspəʊkən/
- spell
- Base form:spell/spel/
- Past simple:spelt, spelled/spelt, speld/
- Past participle:spelt, spelled/spelt, speld/
- spend
- Base form:spend/spend/
- Past simple:spent/spent/
- Past participle:spent/spent/
- spill
- Base form:spill/spɪl/
- Past simple:spilt, spilled/spɪlt/
- Past participle:spilt, spilled/spɪlt/
- split
- Base form:split/splɪt/
- Past simple:split/splɪt/
- Past participle:split/splɪt/
- spoil
- Base form:spoil/spɔɪl/
- Past simple:spoilt, spoiled/spɔɪlt, spɔɪld/
- Past participle:spoilt, spoiled/spɔɪlt, spɔɪld/
- spread
- Base form:spread/spred/
- Past simple:spread/spred/
- Past participle:spread/spred/
- stand
- Base form:stand/stænd/
- Past simple:stood/stʊd/
- Past participle:stood/stʊd/
- steal
- Base form:steal/stiːl/
- Past simple:stole/stəʊl/
- Past participle:stolen/ˈstəʊlən/
- stick
- Base form:stick/stɪk/
- Past simple:stuck/stʌk/
- Past participle:stuck/stʌk/
- swim
- Base form:swim/swɪm/
- Past simple:swam/swæm/
- Past participle:swum/swʌm/
- take
- Base form:take/teɪk/
- Past simple:took/tʊk/
- Past participle:taken/ˈteɪkən/
- teach
- Base form:teach/tiːtʃ/
- Past simple:taught/tɔːt/
- Past participle:taught/tɔːt/
- tell
- Base form:tell/tel/
- Past simple:told/təʊld/
- Past participle:told/təʊld/
- think
- Base form:think/θɪŋk/
- Past simple:thought/θɔːt/
- Past participle:thought/θɔːt/
- throw
- Base form:throw/θrəʊ/
- Past simple:threw/θruː/
- Past participle:thrown/θrəʊn/
- understand
- Base form:understand/ˌʌndəˈstænd/
- Past simple:understood/ˌʌndəˈstʊd/
- Past participle:understood/ˌʌndəˈstʊd/
- upset
- Base form:upset/ʌpˈset/
- Past simple:upset/ʌpˈset/
- Past participle:upset/ʌpˈset/
- wake
- Base form:wake/weɪk/
- Past simple:woke/wəʊk/
- Past participle:woken/ˈwəʊkən/
- wear
- Base form:wear/weə(r)/
- Past simple:wore/wɔː(r)/
- Past participle:worn/wɔːn/
- win
- Base form:win/wɪn/
- Past simple:won/wʌn/
- Past participle:won/wʌn/
- write
- Base form:write/raɪt/
- Past simple:wrote/rəʊt/
- Past participle:written/ˈrɪtn/