The Mass T-code is not useful since it updates pricing date at header only and does re-pricing of delivered item also. The mass update from VA05 does the re-pricing within same period if the price is changed.Our requirement is since there is new price with the new start and end date,we want to do repricing of all the backlog orders. You are trying to Mass update Region Field with blank values in the Taxes tab of Materials. But, the system is giving the error, Update not possible; specified data for SUPPLIER-DEVIANTTAXCLASSIFICATION with key COUNTRYCODE = `XX` AND TAXNUMBERTYPECODE-CON does. I've Created Characteristic - size - with charcateristic values 10, 20 & Assigned to CLASS: CLASS TYPE 001, this i've assigned in material master - in classification tab & have set SIZE= 10. I want to change characteristic value from 10 to 20, In 5000 materials numbers. I'm unable to see classification tab details in MASS tcode. Search for, and then choose the value map. Select one of the following update types: Merge organizational field values: If the organizational values are different for the organizational value map and the derived roles, the application appends any differences from the organizational value.
BAPI to Read Classification Information Maintained for an Object (Equipment/Material/etc)
By Sheetal Reddy Proddutur, CSC
Sometimes additional link information is useful when you link a document with an SAP object. Classification makes it possible for you to characterize a document - SAP object link (for example, Equipment sale price) by using characteristics.
For example, you can add additional price information, such as sale price, to Equipment.
You can maintain classification in either the document info record or in the master record for the object. You maintain the essential classification data in the classification system.
Below steps are generally maintained by functional consultants.
Before you can use classification functions, you need to set up your classification system.
There are three steps to setting up a classification system:
1.Defining the Properties of Objects
You use characteristics to describe the properties of objects. You create characteristics centrally in the system.
See the SAP Library, Characteristics (CA-CL-CHR).
2.Creating Classes
You need classes to classify objects. These classes must be set up. During set up you must assign characteristics to the classes.
3.Assigning Objects
Once you have created the classes you require for classification, you can assign objects to these classes. You use the characteristics of the class to describe the objects you classify.
This completes the data you require to use your classification system. You can then use your classification system to find objects that match the criteria you require.
Once you have set up the classification system you can use it to find certain objects. To do this:
Find a class in which objects are classified
Find the object(s) you require in the class
When you use classification to find objects, you use the characteristics as search criteria, and the system compares the values you enter with the values of the classified objects.
Here we will see how to read values that are maintained in characteristics of a class.
In this tutorial we will get values of characteristics of a class maintained for Equipment.
1.Go to IE03 -> enter
2.Click class overview
3.Here we can see the class type is ‘002’ , class ‘Z_EQP_DETAIL’ , Characteristic ‘Z_EQUIP_PRICE’ and value ‘10000.00’. (get Characteristic name as shown in below screen shots).
3.a select Characteristic and select ‘choose’ button
3.b select explanation button in the pop-up.
3.c We can see Characteristic name and value
We will see how to read this value using BAPI.
Call BAPI ‘BAPI_OBJCL_GETDETAIL’and pass below parameters.
Objectkey – Equipment number (130583)
Objecttable – Equipment master table (EQUI)
Classnum – Class (Z_EQP_DETAIL)
Classtype – Class type (002)
In the return parameters values are stored in table ‘allocvaluescurr’.
Sap Mass Update Characteristic Values 2019
Read this table with key charact = characteristic name (Z_EQUIP_PRICE). Value is returned in ‘value_from’ field.