G Code Plotting Python

Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated,and interactive visualizations in Python.

  1. Python Plotting Tools
  2. G Code Plotting Python Examples
  3. Python Plot Graph
  4. Plotting Python Examples

Matplotlib makes easy things easy and hard things possible.

Feb 19, 2021 Define the x-axis and corresponding y-axis values as lists. Plot them on canvas using.plot function. Give a name to x-axis and y-axis using.xlabel and.ylabel functions. Give a title to your plot using.title function. May 20, 2019 However this is intended as a minimal guide to understand a minimal set of codes needed for 2D plotting. G-Codes for 2D Plotting. To get an idea of how G-codes work, let me first show you the beginning of an example file.% G90 G49 M3 S15000 G0 X20.456 Y20.910 Z15.000 G1 Z35.000 F2500 G1 X18.202 Y13.354 F2500 X16.806 Y13.352 X15.300 Y18.656.



  • Develop publication quality plots with just a few lines of code
  • Use interactive figures that can zoom, pan, update...


  • Take full control of line styles, font properties, axes properties...
  • Export and embed to a number of file formats and interactive environments


  • Explore tailored functionality provided bythird party packages
  • Learn more about Matplotlib through the manyexternal learning resources


To get started, read the User's Guide.

Trying to learn how to do a particular kind of plot? Check out theexamples gallery or the list of plotting commands.

Join our community!¶

Matplotlib is a welcoming, inclusive project, and everyone within the communityis expected to abide by our code of conduct.

Python Plotting Tools

Get help

Join our community at discourse.matplotlib.orgto get help, discuss contributing & development, and share your work.

If you have questions, be sure to check the FAQ,the API docs. The full textsearch is a good way to discover the docs including the many examples.

Short questions may be posted on the gitter channel.


To keep up to date with what's going on in Matplotlib, see thewhat's new page or browse thesource code. Anything that couldrequire changes to your existing code is logged in theAPI changes file.

  • Tweet us at @matplotlib!
  • See cool plots on @matplotart Instagram!
  • Check out our Blog!


Matplotlib is hosted on GitHub.

  • File bugs and feature requests on the issue tracker.
  • Pull requests are always welcome.

It is a good idea to ping us on Discourse as well.

Mailing lists

  • matplotlib-users for usage questions
  • matplotlib-devel for development
  • matplotlib-announce for project announcements



Matplotlib ships with several add-on toolkits,including 3D plotting with mplot3d, axes helpers in axes_grid1 and axishelpers in axisartist.

Third party packages¶

G code plotting python tutorial

A large number of third party packagesextend and build on Matplotlib functionality, including several higher-levelplotting interfaces (seaborn, HoloViews, ggplot, ...), and a projectionand mapping toolkit (Cartopy).

Citing Matplotlib¶

Matplotlib is the brainchild of John Hunter (1968-2012), who, along with itsmany contributors, have put an immeasurable amount of time and effort intoproducing a piece of software utilized by thousands of scientists worldwide.

If Matplotlib contributes to a project that leads to a scientific publication,please acknowledge this work by citing the project. A ready-made citationentry is available.

Open source¶

Matplotlib is a Sponsored Project of NumFOCUS, a 501(c)(3) nonprofitcharity in the United States. NumFOCUS provides Matplotlib withfiscal, legal, and administrative support to help ensure the healthand sustainability of the project. Visit numfocus.org for moreinformation.

G Code Plotting Python Examples

Donations to Matplotlib are managed by NumFOCUS. For donors in theUnited States, your gift is tax-deductible to the extent provided bylaw. As with any donation, you should consult with your tax adviserabout your particular tax situation.

Please consider donating to the Matplotlib project throughthe NumFOCUS organization or to the John Hunter Technology Fellowship.

Python Plot Graph

The Matplotlib license is based on the Python SoftwareFoundation (PSF) license.

Plotting Python Examples

There is an active developer community and a long list of people who have madesignificant contributions.